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 "The Graphic Novel" class in the English department.  Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service

Courses & Programs

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Here you can find more information about the courses and programs offered through CareerEd. 

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Course & Program Details

UAR 13: InternConnect 

This 5-session class helps students to translate their previous summer experience into future opportunity. The class integrates Design Thinking and career education knowledge and tools to help students reflect, identify, and articulate how their internship experience informs their career related goals and next steps. Participating students will walk away with updated job search tools, industry connections, and increased confidence in their ability to identify and interview for future opportunities. The class is offered as a 1-unit course and is held during Autumn quarter. Students are recommended to have participated in an internship or equivalent experience within the past year.

Learn More about InternConnect

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PWR 910ID: Creating Your Digital Self: The What, How, and Why of Building an Online Presence

Have you ever Googled yourself? If so, what information about you rises to the top? A picture of you in your band uniform from your high school? A video you posted to TikTok? Maybe scores from a 5K you ran last year?  It might seem like you do not have much control over what you see about yourself in a Google search, but the fact is, you do. The more of your own content you create, the more your self-created information will rise to the top. In this class, you’ll compose and fine-tune an ePortfolio (i.e. a website) that highlights your best work and tells the story behind it. In in-class activities, formal feedback, guest talks, and one-on-one conferences, you’ll be guided through the process of creating a compelling, multidimensional online portfolio. We’ll examine how to connect with different audiences (including alumni and prospective employers), explore how to pique readers’ interest, and delve into how you can represent your authentic self in compelling terms.

Learn More about PWR 910ID

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ME 104S: Designing Your Stanford

This course, brought to you by Stanford’s dSchool, Stanford Career Education, and VPUE, uses a Design Thinking approach to help frosh and sophomores learn practical tools and ideas to make the most of their Stanford experience. Topics include the purpose of college, major selection, educational wayfinding, and innovating college outcomes - all applied through an introduction to Design Thinking. This seminar class incorporates small group discussion, in-class activities, field exercises, personal reflection, and individual coaching. 

Learn More about Designing Your Stanford

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Frosh Winter Warm-Up

Frosh Winter Warm-Up welcomes the frosh class to their career community and the resources available to them. Attracting hundreds of students every year, this rite of passage connects students to the Frosh/Soph Team, campus partners, alumni, upper-level students, opportunities, and their peers through various activities. The Winter Warm-Up takes place in January, so stay tuned for more information in December!

Architectural details of the sandstone arcades in the Main Quadrangle of Stanford University. Credit: Linda A. Cicero / Stanford University News Service