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Detail showing the elaborate frieze work in the stone. Credit: Andrew Brodhead /

Explore Careers

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Exploring careers is an on-going, iterative process of learning about yourself and what you want in a career. 

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.


The process consists of the stages below.

Stanford Earth Young Investigators, high school students work with grad students. Credit:  Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service

Know Yourself

Take career assessments as a way to know what you want in a career. We provide an array of self-assessments that help you clarify your interests and skills, develop a vocabulary to describe yourself as a professional, and establish a starting point for career exploration

Group of people working in a modern board room with augmented reality interface. Credit: piranka / iStock

Explore Options

Exploring your career options is an important step in your career journey. 

Cindy Lin and Temiloluwa F Babalola. Credit: Andrew Brodhead /

Jobs & Internships

If you find yourself ready to pursue a job, internship, or another experience, there are a few steps you can take to secure an opportunity.

 Quad and urn reflected in a puddle. Credit: Kate Chesley / University Communications

Reflect & Refine

Take time to reflect on what you’ve learned through your experience. Doing so will enable you to refine what you are seeking in your career. 

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

Make a Coaching Appointment

No matter what step you’re taking on your career journey, our career coaches are here to listen, brainstorm, and plan for your career success. Learn more

Stanford campus. Credit: LARISA DUKA / iStock